Recently we had a visit from a gorgeous Greyhound named Barklee who needed her teeth cleaned.
Barklee is only 3 years old and doesn’t like to chew bones or treats. Her family noticed her teeth were getting a bit dirty and booked her in to see us.
You can see from the before and after photo what a difference a scale and polish can make. Barklees teeth are healthy and strong under all that tartar but if left longer, she would soon have to have some removed.
There are many ways to keep your dogs teeth clean but the easiest way is to give them raw meaty bones to chew a few times a week. This is natures toothbrush. Otherwise other chew items like pigs ears and bully sticks can do the trick or prescription diets especially for teeth can also help.
Because Barklee isn’t a fan of chewing bones, her owner took home a bag of dental prescription food to help maintain those pearly whites.
There are a few tell tale signs that your pet needs a dental. They include smelly breath, reluctance to chew or chewing only on one side, drooling or simply seeing tartar build up like the picture below.