Do you want to get to know a little bit more about the people that care for your pets? Every couple of weeks, we will put up a little profile of each of our staff so you can learn a bit more about us. This week we begin with Maddie.

How long have you been a Vet nurse? 
9 years.

How long have you worked at Hobsons Bay Vet Clinic?
9 years.

What made you want to work in the Veterinary industry?
I’ve always loved caring for animals and after watching my dog Stella go through cancer I wanted help all animals be as happy and healthy as possible.

What is the best part of your job? 
To see unwell animals get better which makes me leave work happy.

What do you do as a Vet nurse that surprises people the most? 
I think people are really surprised when we say we help with surgerys, take blood samples and X-rays, and are anaesthetists.

What do your friends think you do at work? 
Pat puppies and kittens and pick up poo.

Do you have a favourite breed? Why?
Australian Shepherds because they are active, smart, fun and full of adventure.

What animals do you have at home?
I have 3 dogs, Lola, Clara and Wylie and 3 handreared cats, Colin, Otto and Bonnet.

What are your interests outside of work?
Travelling, volunteering for Sea Shepherd, helping to protect our planet by participating in beach clean ups with Scab Duty, Scuba diving and training/trailing my dog Wylie.