Allergies in dogs are more common in warmer weather. The effects of allergies can be very frustrating and tiring for your dog … and for you.
Don’t despair. Skin problems in dogs can usually be kept under control when you work together with your vet and use the right products.
There are many causes of allergic skin disease in dogs and it is important to find out what is causing your dog’s problems.
Common causes include:
- fleas
- mites
- plants
- pollens
- food products.
- Each cause may need a different treatment. We might recommend the use of cortisone, antihistamines or antibiotics. In more severe cases, we may suggest referral for specialised allergy testing and desensitisation.
There are simple things that you can do at home to help your dog.
Flea control
It is essential to treat fleas on any allergic dog:
- There are now safe effective products such as Activyl or Nexgard will kill any fleas and inhibit flea egg and larva development.
- Treat all your pets, not just the itchy ones.
- Wash your dog’s bedding regularly.
You can call our clinic anytime for free informed advice on flea control.
Medicated shampoo
Dogs with a primary allergic problem often get a secondary bacterial or yeast infection in their skin which can make their scratching worse.
Using shampoos such as Pyohex and Malaseb once or twice a week can help treat and prevent these infections.
There are also low allergenic oatmeal-based shampoos and conditioners that can help soothe and moisturise the skin, such as Aloveen and Dermcare Natural Shampoo.
We can help you choose the right shampoo for your dog.
Omega 3 fatty acid supplements such as Megaderm and safflower oil help reduce skin inflammation. These products can help your dog feel less itchy. Good quality diets such as Royal Canin contain optimal levels of fatty acids.
Wiping your dog down with a damp cloth after a walk can reduce the allergens that can reach your dog’s skin.
Keeping your dog cool during hot weather with a clean, short coat also helps keep your dog comfortable.
Feel free to call us and discuss what may be best for your dog.